David Lee

I play in the East Bay, mostly in Alameda, Oakland and Emeryville. The Pacific Pinball League is my main social and competitive pinball, and only occasionally make it to tournaments in the larger Bay Area. I live five blocks from the Pacific Pinball Museum, so I have the luxury of living close to 80+ pins from all ages. I am basically lazy when it comes to pinball, and would rather play close to home than travel afar.

My IFPA ranking has dropped into the mid-2000’s since I am playing only a couple of tournaments a year. I do well at tournaments, but hate changing my play style to win a match. Often in tournaments I will play the whole game, trying to get to the wizard mode, even if it isn’t the best way to win. 

And that is what led me to make Pinball for Mortals. A lot of pinball resources are made by competitive pinball players, and their take on games and strategy are often skewed for tournament play. With Pinball for Mortals, I hope to provide a different perspective on games that is more geared to casual location play. 

One final note. I am an introvert. So when I am playing pinball, I tend to be focused on the pinball. But the reality is that I would love to talk to you about pinball (or food, cooking, gaming, barefoot running etc). Feel free to talk to me if you see me, and I will keep trying to be more social at pinball events!

David Lee (DavidLee on Pindigo)